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About Us

Michael Shank is a husband, father, and grandfather. He and Jonetta have been married over three decades, and have four sons and two grandchildren. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Management Communication from Southern Christian University and is currently working on a Masters. Michael spent four years in pulpit preaching and ministry, along with thirty-one years of individual, one-on-one evangelism experience.

The Shank family moved from southern Illinois to Colorado in the Spring of 2019 and resides in the Wolf Ranch area of Colorado Springs. Michael and Jonetta love to camp, fly fish, hike, and ride quads, but their passion is evangelism.

Prior to writing Muscle and a Shovel, Michael created and produced the original Why Are There So Many Churches video in cooperation with WVBS (2008).

He has written five publications and hundreds of articles to date, with an accumulative sales of hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide, and some eighty-thousand plus baptized via God’s Word and his runaway best-seller Muscle and a Shovel. The sequel to Muscle and a Shovel titled When Shovels Break has assisted in the restoration of some six-thousand-plus souls. All honor and credit to God!

The Shank family covets your prayers and is sincerely grateful to God for your love, support, and friendship.

Michael Shank Ministries (the “ministry”) exists as a Private Membership Association, or PMA, offering Christian faith-based books and educational materials to members. Membership is agreed to and commenced by any donation in exchange for Christian materials. All donations are suggested as a price or cost of a specific offering. Membership is unlimited, requires no “contract”, does not expire, and members may cancel their membership at any time for any reason. Donations are non-refundable because book materials are non-returnable. All donations go to sustaining this gospel ministry effort.


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